Participating Organization Eligibility Results

Friesian Horse Association of North America

Horse Name - NumberOwner
Athos fan Dijkmaniastate - 1151895 Mandy Clarke
Atlas Fox Stable Friesians - 1132979 Jane Fox
Freyja of Riverview - 1112326 Katie Hebert
Gait - 1123365 Alice Behray
Hilde Fan Seldsum Sport - 1150487 Tanja Hodges
Isla - 1154517 Susan Neipert
Klaas S.F. - 1138557 Shannon Hansell
Lys fan North Ster - 1125500 Desiree Williquette
Renee - 1157941 Sandra Martin
Riatta IA - 1123129 Cindy Davis
Simon fan de Veldhof - 1139295 Cynthia Bishop
Tjerk fan Hylpen - 1145675 Morgan Pritchard
Tomas LSI - 1113593 Karen Lubinski
Trinity ISF - 1109935 Tina Hodges
Tsjip fan North Ster - 1140336 Claire Gunther
Valentijn - 1139405 Cheryl Loeffler
Valentino JRB - 1081045 Regine Brockway
Veerle fan stal Bellefleur - 1159885 Beth Hardy
Vin Van Diana.Z. - 1143636 Ann Honigberg
Yatzee FPF - 1094894 Paige Ruhl
Zeus - 1153092 Nicole Fulcher
Total Horses: 21